Harold Dunovant was a pioneer Professional Golfer in the 1950s and became the first Black to graduate from the PGA’s Business School (1960). He founded the National Black Golf Hall of Fame (NBGHF) in 1986 to celebrate and honor contributions of Black golfers.
In 1954 Harold became a pro golfer. During that time, the PGA had an article in its bylaws stating the organization was “for members of the Caucasian race.“ Like other aspiring Black players, he found a home on the United Golf Association (UGA) tour, often referred to as the “Black Tour,” as it was owned and operated by Blacks. During an era of racial segregation in the United States, the UGA tour provided aspiring Black pro golfers a platform to compete. Professional golfers competing on the UGA tour included Ted Rhodes, Bill Spiller, Pete Brown, Lee Elder, Willie Brown Jr, Zeke Hartsfield, Howard Wheeler and Charlie Sifford.